PASMO PASSPORT is no longer available as of 6 25, 2024.

Topping up

PASMO PASSPORT can be topped up at station ticket machines,
on buses, and at stores.

How to top up your PASMO PASSPORT at a station ticket machine

  • Select your preferred language at the station ticket machine.
  • Insert your PASMO PASSPORT in a station ticket machine where it is possible to add value.
  • Press the PASMO button.
  • Select the amount you want to add to your card and insert cash.
  • Take your PASMO PASSPORT after the value has been added. You can print a receipt if necessary.

* Note that this is just one example of how to top up your card. Procedures may differ depending on the machine.

Things to Keep in Mind
  • The amount that can be added to your card at one time differs depending on the vendor.
  • Cards cannot be topped up if the balance will exceed ¥20,000.
  • If you accidentally added value to your card, the amount can be refunded only on that day and at the station or bus operator where it was added and only if it has not been used after being topped up.

Other ways to top up PASMO PASSPORT

The card can be topped up at a bus operator office and on the bus.

Things to Keep in Mind
  • On the bus, it can be topped up in denominations of ¥1,000 (¥1,000 bills only). Please talk to the driver.
  • The amount that can be added to your card at one time differs depending on the vendor and machine.
  • On the bus, it is not possible to top up the card if the balance will exceed ¥10,001.

It is also possible to top up the card at convenience stores and some shops. Please ask at the shop for further details.

Things to Keep in Mind

It is also possible to top up the card at convenience stores and some shops. Please ask at the shop for further details.

(what is required to top up the card)

Who should I talk to if I don't know how to top up my card?

Talk to station staff or the bus driver.

What is the limit?

Value can be added up to ¥20,000.

Note: On the bus, it is not possible to top up the card if the balance will exceed ¥10,001.

All About PASMO

Long-term visitors should use the regular PASMO.

Various PASMO types are available, such as the Adult PASMO, Child PASMO, Personalized PASMO card and Commuter Pass. Select the right PASMO for you.

When returning

Don't forget to take your PASMO PASSPORT with you when returning home!