Corporate Profile

Company PASMO Co.,Ltd.
Established February 9, 2004
Location 3-2-11 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo-to 〒160-0023
Capital 100 million yen
Shareholders 11 railway operators, 19 bus operators
Representative Yutaka Asano, Representative Director and CEO
Main business Issuing the Tokyo metropolitan transportation IC cards, running electronic payment services
*PASMO Co.,Ltd. operates business upon behalf of the PASMO Committee.
PASMO Committee

The PASMO Committee is an organization consisting of railway operators (28 operators) and bus operators (33 operators) that use or plan to use an IC card system. The Committee is an overall PASMO decision-making body that works to provide service so that trains and buses can use the IC card system. PASMO Co.,Ltd. handles tasks such as PASMO service operations and PASMO system development.