PASMO PASSPORT is no longer available as of 6 25, 2024.

Site Terms of Service

This website is operated by PASMO Co., ltd (hereafter referred to as "the Company").

You agree to the following by using this website.

Note that the terms of service may be changed without prior notice. Please check the latest information.


As a rule, the content (text, images, videos, audio, etc.) on this website is the property of PASMO Co.,Ltd.

Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted materials is forbidden, excluding cases where authorization is not required under copyright law, such as duplication for personal use.

Links on this site

The content of third-party websites (hereafter referred to as "linked sites") linked to from this site are managed under the responsibility of said third parties, and are not controlled by the Company.

Please abide by the terms of service of each linked site when visiting them.

The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any damages incurred by obtaining information from linked sites.

Linking to this site

As a rule, only the top of the PASMO Co.,Ltd. website ( may be linked to from another site.

Changes to site configuration may result in links to individual pages being changed without notice, resulting in a link to a site with old information.

Directly displaying this site on the link source site is forbidden, as it could result in misunderstandings.

Note that links from the following types of websites are strictly forbidden:

  • Websites that contain slanderous content about or content created to intentionally damage the trust of the Company, other companies or third parties
  • Websites created with the intent of infringing on the copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights of the Company, other companies, or third parties
  • Websites linked to this website for commercial purposes (providing information on this website for a fee)

As a rule, the Company does not accept requests to link to other sites from this site.

Recommended browsers

The following OS and browsers are recommended in order to display and use this site in the best possible way.

Although we have confirmed site display and operation in the recommended environments, malfunctions may occur depending on your settings.


OS Browser
Windows 10 Internet Explorer 10 or later
Macintosh 10.13 or later Safari 12 or later


OS Browser
iPhone 12 or later Default browser
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Proposals via the Internet

Please refrain from sending technical proposals or similar information via the Internet. Doing so could result in disputes if the information is coincidentally similar to technology that the Company is already developing or taking under consideration.

The Company will not evaluate or consider any proposals.


The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any damages incurred due to the use of or unavailability of site content, interruption or suspension of site service or changes to site information.

The Company offers no guarantees whatsoever as to the safety of content use (errors, computer virus or other malicious content by accessing the site or server, etc.).